Saturday, January 19, 2013


LOOL,finally it's my first 2013 post
Sorry to be say that this post ain't gonna be a long or proper post
I was just wondering how long have i neglected my blog?
Surprisingly,it has been 1 month i never touch my bloggie
I can't imagine that,seriously
I was quite addicted to blog,blogging all the while
Blogging was my first priority since i was Form 4?
Then it turns to red light after i completed my last semester
To be frank,i only took 2 subjects this semester
It sounds like it should be very free and goyang kaki all the while ,i know -.-"
But i ended up with busying working working and working
I can't believe that i'm in love with being a workaholic
Same goes to be a shopaholic ,just a different job scope :)
One is to earn,one is to spend
Luckily im training myself a habit on SAVING MONEY wohow $$$
I got myself a target ,and i gonna make it come true by achieving it
For sure it should be a secret now,because i would prefer prove it with the outcome straight away
Rather than talking bullshit all the day ,and got nothing to prove what has been achieved

Okay,except for being a damn workaholic,i'm busying with my new house for sure :)
So excited for my room because it's all plain white hahaha
I picked out all the furniture (for my room) in white color
As simple as possible,i have no idea since when i'm a sucker for WHITE
But no white flag laaaa XD
And other stuffs will be a contrast color for white,so guess it :)

Left another few weeks to go,then it's finally our Chinese New Year!!!
Not so excited for that but i'm glad i'm moving soon
and a new place for my 21st chinese new year celebration
Hell yeah :D

SO basically,i'm becoming such a lazy ass
So lazy to do anything
so,i'm death meat LOOL
Hopefully i could get something to be inspired
and be motivated

I'm so lazy!!!

Lastly,my wishes for this year
1) Tiffany & Co.
2) more perfumes
3) new watch,no idea what brand should go for it
4) black and long hair
5) Go travel AGAIN

By the way,i got two new rabbits
I love them so much
Thats all haha
